The Top 4 Reasons Not to Ignore Dry Tongue
UPDATED: April 18th 2019
Sometimes, it just seems easier to ignore a health problem than to try and deal with it. This is particularly true of anything we can convince ourselves is a minor inconvenience. We’ve all done it or at least been tempted to do it. But, ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away. In fact, with health problems, ignoring a problem generally gives it a chance to get much worse.
Nearly everyone experiences the discomfort of a dry tongue occasionally. Whether it happens from post-exercise dehydration or a sleepy mouth-breathing dry out, you’ve probably felt the discomfort of dry tongue. But, what if a dry tongue is not a rare inconvenience? What if it’s a regular occurrence for you?
If you’ve been ignoring a dry tongue, telling yourself that it’ll be fine and it really doesn’t matter that much, here are the top 4 reasons to stop ignoring and start treating dry mouth:
#1 – Dry Mouth Hurts
This seems pretty obvious on the one hand. On the other hand, it’s human to try to wish away things we don’t know how to fix. But, pain and discomfort are your body’s way of trying to draw your attention to a problem. There’s no reason to spend your days trying to push past the discomfort caused by dry tongue. You are experiencing no health benefit from the misery, so why put up with it? The fact that you are hurting because of a dry tongue is reason enough to treat it.
If you need more motivation, a dry tongue can make eating a miserable experience. Not having enough saliva to aid digestion can severely limit food choices. It can make the act of chewing and swallowing so difficult that some foods, including some very healthy foods, are no longer a realistic food choice. Over the course of a week, that may not matter very much. Over longer periods of time, however, limited food choices can lead to nutrient deficits and even malnutrition.
#2 – It’s Probably Making Your Bad Breath Worse
Your dry tongue is a breeding ground for the bacteria that contribute to halitosis. Saliva doesn’t just keep your mouth hydrated. It also rinses away bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens that throw your oral health out of balance. The dreaded morning breath occurs after saliva production slows down and you don’t swallow enough to keep naturally rinsing your mouth.
A white fuzz growing on the back of a dry tongue can be an indication of a type of fungal infection called candidiasis. Gums that bleed easily and are red and puffy looking can be signs of bacterial infection. A dry tongue can blossom into an infection that may require further treatment. An oral infection is nothing to ignore. If you notice signs of oral infection, visit your dentist to see what solutions might help you recover good health. Treating with CariFree CTx4 Treatment Rinse can help restore a healthy balance in your mouth.
#3- It’s Likely Contributing to Cavity Formation
The same salivary action that keeps your bad breath at bay helps knock down the bacteria that contribute to cavity formation. Saliva is incredibly important for maintaining a healthy oral pH, which prevents acid-loving bacteria from thriving in your mouth and stripping vital minerals out of your enamel. Saliva also rinses away particles that otherwise stick to your teeth and provide food for plaque-causing bacteria. Your dry tongue means that your mouth is not making enough saliva to protect your teeth. Not wanting the bigger agony of treating cavities is an excellent reason to treat dry tongue.
Chewing Xylitol Gum may help keep your dry mouth and tongue more comfortable and hydrated. In addition to helping fight dry mouth and tongue, xylitol also has been shown to aid in cavity prevention, making it a good choice to help stop the discomfort of dry tongue.
#4- It Could Be a Sign of a Whole-Body Disease
As scary as it may sound, several autoimmune diseases—diseases where the body attacks itself—have dry tongue as a symptom. The longer you ignore dry tongue, the longer the disease has a chance to do damage throughout the body. Additionally, chronic medical conditions like diabetes and even injuries to the nerves of the head and neck can cause reduced saliva production—thus causing dry tongue. Your dentist or primary care physician can help evaluate your symptoms and decide if the dry tongue you are experiencing is just part of a much bigger disease process.
When you are ready to stop ignoring and start treating dry tongue, you will find there are a number of products that can provide immediate and long-term relief. The important thing is to decide that you deserve better than ignoring your own health and to take steps to help yourself.
Ready to Treat Dry Mouth?
There are many causes and remedies for dry mouth symptoms, explore our best resources on all things dry mouth here.