Tips on How CariFree Products Can Improve White Spots

White spot lesions are more than just a cosmetic nuisance. They are a clear sign that oral health is not optimal. These spots of demineralized enamel don’t happen in a healthy mouth that is free of the caries (cavities) disease process. The good news is that CariFree products can be a valuable tool when treating white spot lesions. Consider asking your dentist about these different ways to effectively treat your white spots!


1-  CariScreen Meter Testing

It may be odd to think of checking your bacterial load to correct a white spot, but, chances are good that if a high bacterial load indicates a difficult biofilm, those bacteria will further weaken the white spots and cause more white spots to follow. We know that too many acidic bacteria can cause cavities and other oral health problems, so knowing your risk is helpful to creating the best treatment plan.

The test is quick, non-invasive, and painless. The information it gives you and your dentist can be an invaluable aid as they develop a treatment plan to help strengthen and improve your teeth. If you don’t already visit a CariFree dentist, you can find one here.


2- Remineralization In-office with Fluoride Varnish

Remineralization, replacing the lost minerals that caused the visible white spot, is a vital part of the process. Professionally applied fluoride varnish is an ADA approved treatment for dental caries and can be done at your next dentist appointment.


3- Use CariFree Gel for Brushing At Home

The combination of fluoride and bioavailable nano hydroxyapatite in CTx4 Gel 1100 helps the remineralization process. Some studies indicate that teeth remineralized in this fashion can be stronger than teeth were previously if initial tooth formation occurred without sufficient quantities of calcium hydroxyapatite and fluoride.

The pH correcting nature of the gel and the clinically significant dose of xylitol provides further benefit by making the oral environment favorable for remineralizing. And the low abrasion formula ensures that brushing with the gel does not add to existing damage.


4-  Treat Your Biofilm or Dry Mouth Issues

In order to give new white spot lesions a chance to heal and to keep rehardened white spots healthy, it’s important to treat the underlying issues that cause or contribute to them occurring in the first place.

If biofilm issues are confirmed to be causing lesions, CariFree Treatment Rinse provides the chance to control bacteria and prevent further lesions. With sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite, it is an effective antibacterial agent. In the case of dry mouth, CariFree Xylitol Gum or Spray can give relief from the symptoms of dry mouth while interrupting the damage process caused by inadequate saliva.

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