Past Webinars

Dentistry Debunked: Separating Myths from The Tooth with Dr. Kim Kutsch and Katrina Sanders Recording  |  Q&A  |  CE Certificates

MB2 Dental Webinar with Dr. Kim Kutsch  |  Recording

It’s Never Been a Better Time to be a Dental Hygienist with Melissa K. Turner, RDH  |  Recording

Oral Sex and Oral Cancer: The Truths We Don’t Want to Hear  |  Recording  |  Q&A

2023 Caries Science Update with Dr. Kim Kutsch  |  Recording  |  Powerpoint

Dental Caries and Periodontal Disease: Go Upstream  |  Recording  |  Powerpoint

Perio, Diabetes, and CVD: Connections and Collaborative Treatment in the Dental  Office with Dr. Susan MaplesRecording

Change Happens: How to Stay Profitable in Times of Uncertainty with Christine Taxin and Dr. Kim Kutsch  |  Recording

Medical Billing: Increases Patients, Acceptance and Collections with Kandra Sellers, RDH and Dr. Kim Kutsch   |  Recording  |  Q&A

Aerosol Research: Air Safety in Dental Offices with Dr. Susan Maples and Dr. Kim Kutsch  |  Recording  |  Q&A

Person-Centered Care: The Missing Piece to the Caries Risk Management Puzzle with Dr. Douglas Young and Dr. Kim Kutsch  |  Recording  |  Q&A

Periodontal Disinfection Strategies That Work with Dr. Doug Thompson and Dr. Kim Kutsch  |  Recording  |  Q&A

Dental Caries: A Whole Person Disease with Dr. Kim Kutsch  |  Recording  |  Q&A  |  CRA Form  |  Why Me? by Dr. Kutsch

Identifying and Responding to Victims of Human Trafficking in the Clinical Setting with Machell Hudson  |  Recording

Medical Protocols for Periodontal Therapy with Kathryn Gilliam, BA, RDH  |  Recording  |  Q&A

How a Patient-Centered Care Approach Positively Impacts Patient Perception and Treatment Outcomes with Christine Taxin |  Recording


Order Brave Parent: Raising Healthy, Happy Kids Against All Odds in Today’s World, a new book written by Cooperative member Dr. Susan Maples


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