Oral Cancer Awareness Month illustration

Resources for Oral Sex and Oral Cancer: The Truths We Don’t Want to Hear

Download Presentation  |  Q&A  |  Recording



Presenter Information

Kandra Sellers, RDH  |  TIPS Medical Billing

Dr. Susan Maples  |  Total Health Dentistry  |  Speaker Information  |  Be A Brave Parent

Machell Hudson-Hoover, RDH, FAAOSH  |  Integrative Dental Coaching

Contrary to Ordinary Podcast

HPV Testing


CariFree Caries Risk Assessment Form  |  DOWNLOAD

CariFree protocol for patients pre-treatment  |  DOWNLOAD

Oral moisturizers for during and post-treatment  |  ORAL SPRAY FLUORIDE FREE GEL

Instructional video on self assessment | VIDEO

Instruction video on oral cancer screening with patient | VIDEO

Instructional video on HPV screening with patient | VIDEO

HPV fact-checking | VIDEO

Neck cancer | VIDEO

Oral cancer fact checking with patient | VIDEO

Saving Lives Through Oral Systemic Health Oralsystemiclink.net

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