
PRO | Fluoride Varnish


CariFree Fluoride Varnish is 5% sodium fluoride supplied in a single unit-dose package for an easy, convenient application. 35 applications per box.

Please note- current inventory of Mint Fluoride Varnish expires 12/2024 and is discounted for the shorter shelf life.
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CariFree Fluoride Varnish is 5% sodium fluoride supplied in a single unit-dose package for an easy, convenient application. Fluoride varnish has been established by the ADA as an accepted treatment method for caries control with high, moderate, and low caries risk patients. *

Each box contains thirty-five .4mL unit-dose applications.


Tips for Application

CariFree Fluoride Varnish is best if applied to dry teeth. It can be applied to moist teeth but will leave a film of varnish which sets in the mouth and has a strong desensitizing action.

*ADA Council of Scientific Affairs article “Professionally Applied Topical Fluoride – Executive Summary”

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What Dentists Are Saying
“I wanted to report my satisfaction with the CariFree Varnish. It's smooth consistency makes it easy to apply. It goes on nicer than any product I have used. Patients find the flavors very mild and easily tolerated.”
Joann from Washington
PRO | Fluoride Varnish

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