Breath Mints Sample

Looking to try our new Breath Mints? Add one of our free samples to your order today! Five Breath Mints per pouch; limit of one sample per order.

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Breath Mints

Introducing CariFree Breath Mints! Our delicious, freshening Breath Mints not only have xylitol and hydroxyapatite, but will also help to neutralize your oral pH. We proudly use hydroxyapatite from our partner FLUIDINOVA, as they are globally recognized and approved for oral care by the European Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety.

Read more about our Breath Mints HERE


Use as often as desired to freshen breath and neutralize oral pH.


Xylitol, Gum Arabic, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Sodium Citrate, Magnesium Stearate, Hydroxyapatite, Calcium Acetate, Carnauba Wax.

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