Past Webinar Recordings
Missed a past webinar? Find the recording below!
Caries Science Update 2019 with Dr. Kim Kutsch (follow prompts to use Adobe Connect)
Making A Case: A Look at 4 Patients with Dr. Kim Kutsch (follow prompts to use Adobe Connect)
2018 Caries Science Update with Dr. Kim Kutsch
Sodium Hypochlorite in Dentistry with Dr. Kim Kutsch
CAMBRA and Ethics in Dentistry with Dr. Kim Kutsch
Kids and Caries with Dr. Kim Kutsch
Science Update with Dr. Kim Kutsch
Dental Caries: A Disease of Choice? Part 3 with Dr. Kim Kutsch
Dental Caries: A Disease of Choice? Part 2 with Dr. Kim Kutsch
Dental Caries: A Disease of Choice? Part 1 with Dr. Kim Kutsch
Reduce Treatment Rejection: Wellness Coaching Secrets with Dr. Kim Kutsch
Caries Science Update with Dr. Kim Kutsch
Remineralization- Why Fluoride Isn’t Enough, with Dr. Kim Kutsch
Sugar and Xylitol- What you Need to Know, with Dr Kim Kutsch
Biofilm ATP Testing- Clinical Implications, Part 2, with Dr. Kim Kutsch
CAMBRA for the Pediatric and Orthodontic Patient with Dr. Kim Kutsch
Dry Mouth and Caries with Dr. Kim Kutsch
CAMBRA Case Studies with Dr. Kim Kutsch
Biofilm ATP Testing: Clinical Implications with Dr. Kim Kutsch
Caries Science Update with Dr. Kim Kutsch
The Path to CAMBRA Implementation, Part 3, with Dr. Kim Kutsch
The Path to CAMBRA Implementation, Part 2, with Dr. Kim Kutsch
The Path to CAMBRA Implementation, Part 1, with Dr Kim Kutsch
ROI and CAMBRA with Dr. Kim Kutsch and Dr. Michael McClure
CAMBRA Practice Research Data with Dr. Kim Kutsch
Caries Science Update with Dr. Kim Kutsch
Success Starts with Why with Dr. Bill Blatchford and Dr. Kim Kutsch
Caries Science Update with Dr. John Featherstone and Dr. Kim Kutsch
Integrating CariFree- 4 Full Patient Cases with Dr. Kim Kutsch
Caries Prevention and Productivity with Dr. Bruce Baird and Dr. Kim Kutsch