Treating People Better, Together

You’ve worked hard to get where you are. You’ve spent your life cultivating a profession that you love. You have niche expertise, and a robust following to show for it. The CariFree Cooperative is a group of people who recognize the value of reputation-sharing and leveraging resources in order to increase individual influence while also fast-tracking the message of risk assessment, preventive dentistry, oral and overall health.

The Cooperative is disrupting the traditional ‘speaker promotion’ model between experts and brands to truly leverage our resources to better reach our collective audiences.

  • You provide your reputation, channels, relationships, and expertise
  • We provide resources and support to help maximize reach for your own brand as well as CariFree

How It Works


Videos - Facebook - Instagram - Speaking - Articles - Testimonials - Blog, Podcast & Webinars - Online Course Curriculum - Eblasts - Case Studies


Photo/Bio on Website - Event Promotion - Speaker Packet Design - In-network Speaker Endorsement - Content Development/Training - Webinar Hosting


What Happens Next?

Once you have completed our video courses and application, our team will take 1-2 weeks to review and will then schedule a call to customize our agreement. We will provide a formal agreement and provide online training portal access. Once complete, we finalize our agreement and begin our partnership!

Meet Our Members

Meet the members that are part of The CariFree Cooperative.


View the Calendar

See where you can find our Co-op Members speaking this year!


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