By looking at the actual process of how the dental caries disease begins, takes hold, and develops, this book helps you understand your specific risk factors, the individual ways your health is affected, and how those risk factors influence your daily oral health. Inside, you’ll find the tools to have a meaningful conversation with your dental care team about improving your oral health and treatment outcomes. These tools and checklists will let you build an action plan to become cavity-free and stay that way! “Why Me? describes concepts like Caries Risk Management (CRM™) and P4 Dentistry™ to help you and your dental professional create treatment plans that are Preventive, Predictive, Personalized and Participatory.

If your goal is to be free of cavities, this book will help put you on the right path. Are you ready to stop asking “why me” and live a cavity-free life?


Interview with Author Dr. Kim Kutsch