Why CariFree? Looking Back At Our Company History

Because caries ruin smiles and the happiness behind them.

Because our children and our grandchildren deserve better.

Because we can, and should, do more.

Fifteen years ago, Dr. Kutsch took his years of study into the process of dental caries and founded a company to put his findings into action. There were no products on the market that were specifically formulated to address all the factors that were emerging in the research, all the contributing factors to caries disease. But, it was becoming increasingly clear that caries disease was and is an infectious process that needs a comprehensive treatment approach. Most of all, Dr. Kutsch wanted more for his patients than he could offer them with existing products and treatments. The way forward in providing the best possible care for his current and future patients led to the founding of CariFree. From that clear purpose and lofty goal, a small company with a big idea was born which has grown into a great enterprise over the last decade and a half. Take a look at the growth of CariFree in pictures as we reflect on our first 15 years.

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