Genetics Research
Taste genes associated with dental caries; J Dent Res, 2010; S Wendell, X Wang, M Brown, M E Cooper, R S DeSensi, R J Weyant, R Crout, D W McNeil, M L Marazita
The antimicrobial peptide DEFB1 is associated with caries; J Dent Res, 2010; A Ozturk, P Famili, A R Vieira
Genetic sensitivity to bitter taste of 6-n propylthiouracil: a useful diagnostic aid to detect early childhood caries in preschool children; J Hum Genet, 2012; 18:101-105; R Pidamale, B Sowmya, A Thomas, T Jose
MMP13 polymorphism decreases risk for dental caries; Caries Res 2012;46:401-407; P N Tannure, E C Kuchler, P Falagan-Lotsch, L M F Amorim, R Raggio Luiz, M C Costa, A R Vieira, J M Granjeiro
Association of dental caries with HLA class II allele in Brazilian adolescents; Caries Res 2012;46:530-535; N Valarini, S M Maciel, S K Moura, R C Poli-Frederico
GWAS of dental caries patterns in the permanent dentition; J Dent Res 2013, J R Schaffer, E Feingold, X Wang, M Lee, K T Cuenco, D E Weeks, R J Weyant, R Crout, D W McNeil, M L Marazita
Clustering tooth surfaces into biologically informative caries outcomes; J Dent Res, 2013; J R Schaffer, E Feingold, X Wang, D E Weeks, R J Weyant, R Crout, D W McNeil, M L Marazita